How to add Floating Google +1, Facebook, Twitter Buttons For Blogger

  1. Go To Blogger > Design
  2. Choose a HTML/JavaScript widget
  3. Paste the following code inside it,

/*-------MBT Floating Counters------------*/
#floatdiv {      position:absolute;      width:94px;      height:229px;      top:0;      left:0;          z-index:100  }
#mbtsidebar {          border:1px solid #ddd;          padding-left:5px;      position:relative;      height:220px;      width:55px;      margin:0 0 0 5px;  }
<div id="floatdiv">  <div id="mbtsidebar">      <table cellpadding="1px" cellspacing="0">
    <tr>      <td style="border-bottom: 1px solid #E8E8E8; padding:5px 0 2px 0;">  <div id="fb-root"></div><script src=""></script><fb:like href="" send="false" layout="box_count" show_faces="false" font=""></fb:like>      </td>      </tr>
    <tr>      <td style="border-bottom: 1px solid #E8E8E8; padding:5px 0px;">  <g:plusone size="Tall" expr:href="data:post.url"/>      </g:plusone></td>      </tr>
    <tr>      <td style="border-bottom: 0px solid #E8E8E8; padding:5px 0 0px 0;">
<a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-count="vertical" data-via="CrazyDilon">Tweet</a><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>      </td>      </tr>
    <tr>      <td style="border-bottom: 0px solid #E8E8E8; padding:0px 0 0px 0;">
<p style=" font-size:10px; text-align:center; color:#ddd;"><a style="color:#ddd;" href="" target="_blank">Widgets</a></p>      </td>      </tr>
    </table>  </div>  </div>  <script type="text/javascript">  // JavaScript Document
   <!--  /* Script by:  * Version: 20071017  * Latest version:  *  */  var floatingMenuId = 'floatdiv';  var floatingMenu =  {      targetX: 0,      targetY: 300,
    hasInner: typeof(window.innerWidth) == 'number',      hasElement: typeof(document.documentElement) == 'object'          && typeof(document.documentElement.clientWidth) == 'number',
    menu:          document.getElementById          ? document.getElementById(floatingMenuId)          : document.all            ? document.all[floatingMenuId]            : document.layers[floatingMenuId]  };
floatingMenu.move = function ()  { = floatingMenu.nextX + 'px'; = floatingMenu.nextY + 'px';  }
floatingMenu.computeShifts = function ()  {      var de = document.documentElement;
    floatingMenu.shiftX =           floatingMenu.hasInner           ? pageXOffset           : floatingMenu.hasElement             ? de.scrollLeft             : document.body.scrollLeft;       if (floatingMenu.targetX < 0)      {          floatingMenu.shiftX +=              floatingMenu.hasElement              ? de.clientWidth              : document.body.clientWidth;      }
    floatingMenu.shiftY =          floatingMenu.hasInner          ? pageYOffset          : floatingMenu.hasElement            ? de.scrollTop            : document.body.scrollTop;      if (floatingMenu.targetY < 0)      {          if (floatingMenu.hasElement && floatingMenu.hasInner)          {              // Handle Opera 8 problems              floatingMenu.shiftY +=                  de.clientHeight > window.innerHeight                  ? window.innerHeight                  : de.clientHeight          }          else          {              floatingMenu.shiftY +=                  floatingMenu.hasElement                  ? de.clientHeight                  : document.body.clientHeight;          }      }  }
floatingMenu.calculateCornerX = function()  {      if (floatingMenu.targetX != 'center')          return floatingMenu.shiftX + floatingMenu.targetX;
    var width = parseInt(;
    var cornerX =          floatingMenu.hasElement          ? (floatingMenu.hasInner             ? pageXOffset             : document.documentElement.scrollLeft) +            (document.documentElement.clientWidth - width)/2          : document.body.scrollLeft +            (document.body.clientWidth - width)/2;      return cornerX;  };
floatingMenu.calculateCornerY = function()  {      if (floatingMenu.targetY != 'center')          return floatingMenu.shiftY + floatingMenu.targetY;
    var height = parseInt(;
    // Handle Opera 8 problems      var clientHeight =          floatingMenu.hasElement && floatingMenu.hasInner          && document.documentElement.clientHeight              > window.innerHeight          ? window.innerHeight          : document.documentElement.clientHeight
    var cornerY =          floatingMenu.hasElement          ? (floatingMenu.hasInner              ? pageYOffset             : document.documentElement.scrollTop) +            (clientHeight - height)/2          : document.body.scrollTop +            (document.body.clientHeight - height)/2;      return cornerY;  };
floatingMenu.doFloat = function()  {      // Check if reference to menu was lost due      // to ajax manipuations      if (!      {          menu = document.getElementById              ? document.getElementById(floatingMenuId)              : document.all                ? document.all[floatingMenuId]                : document.layers[floatingMenuId];
        initSecondary();      }
    var stepX, stepY;
    var cornerX = floatingMenu.calculateCornerX();
    var stepX = (cornerX - floatingMenu.nextX) * .07;      if (Math.abs(stepX) < .5)      {          stepX = cornerX - floatingMenu.nextX;      }
    var cornerY = floatingMenu.calculateCornerY();
    var stepY = (cornerY - floatingMenu.nextY) * .07;      if (Math.abs(stepY) < .5)      {          stepY = cornerY - floatingMenu.nextY;      }
    if (Math.abs(stepX) > 0 ||          Math.abs(stepY) > 0)      {          floatingMenu.nextX += stepX;          floatingMenu.nextY += stepY;          floatingMenu.move();      }
    setTimeout('floatingMenu.doFloat()', 20);  };
// addEvent designed by Aaron Moore  floatingMenu.addEvent = function(element, listener, handler)  {      if(typeof element[listener] != 'function' ||         typeof element[listener + '_num'] == 'undefined')      {          element[listener + '_num'] = 0;          if (typeof element[listener] == 'function')          {              element[listener + 0] = element[listener];              element[listener + '_num']++;          }          element[listener] = function(e)          {              var r = true;              e = (e) ? e : window.event;              for(var i = element[listener + '_num'] -1; i >= 0; i--)              {                  if(element[listener + i](e) == false)                      r = false;              }              return r;          }      }
    //if handler is not already stored, assign it      for(var i = 0; i < element[listener + '_num']; i++)          if(element[listener + i] == handler)              return;      element[listener + element[listener + '_num']] = handler;      element[listener + '_num']++;  };
floatingMenu.init = function()  {      floatingMenu.initSecondary();      floatingMenu.doFloat();  };
// Some browsers init scrollbars only after  // full document load.  floatingMenu.initSecondary = function()  {      floatingMenu.computeShifts();      floatingMenu.nextX = floatingMenu.calculateCornerX();      floatingMenu.nextY = floatingMenu.calculateCornerY();      floatingMenu.move();  }
if (document.layers)      floatingMenu.addEvent(window, 'onload', floatingMenu.init);  else  {      floatingMenu.init();      floatingMenu.addEvent(window, 'onload',          floatingMenu.initSecondary);  }

Replace CrazyDilon With your Twitter username

4.  Save your widget and you are almost done!
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